It’s a BIRD.
It’s a
It’s an AIRBNB!

Wonder Airlines is a boutique hotel near Wonder Valley, California, made from a vintage Boeing KC97 Airplane.

See below how you can contribute to our Indiegogo and receive a ton of great perks

Help make Wonder happen!

Our IndieGoGo Campaign is live. Come on over and support the campaign. We have a number of great perk options, whether you’re looking to own an engine, stay a night or two, or just let us know you’re into what Wonder Airlines is all about.

Come get acquainted with Wonder Airlines. If you’re not ready to fly with us but still want to be a part of the journey, join us for a 1-hour guided tour of the project.


As a Silver Club member, you’ll be second in line behind Gold Club members to book before the general public get their opportunity to fly with Wonder.


Be the first to experience Wonder Airlines. Gold Club Members will have an exclusive booking window to find the day(s) that work best for your Wonder experience.


Hurry! We need your support to make Wonder a reality.

First-class features.

The Wonder Airlines experience draws its inspiration from the golden age of travel. Made from a 1951 Boeing Stratocaster, the height of luxury in its time, the accommodation offers a pool, hot tub, yoga platform, king-size beds, plush fittings—everything you’d expect from a luxury hotel in the sky.

Origin Story…

In December of 2020, I quit my job as a cinematographer and moved to Joshua Tree to rebuild a house. While finishing the house, Airbnb launched the OMG! Fund Design Contest. I entered with the concept for Wonder Airlines, and in October of 2022, I was selected as one of the winners from the 12,000 entries!

Why Wonder?

As you drive north on the 395 from Mojave towards the Eastern Sierras, you’ll see a curious site as you look to the east—dozens of planes sitting in the middle of the desert with nothing else around. After years of adventuring in the Sierras, I always wondered what was happening in that airplane graveyard. This mirage-like vision was the initial inspiration for Wonder Airlines. And this crazy project is an opportunity to help others get back in touch with their childlike wonder and, ultimately, what inspires me as a creator.

Who’s crazy idea is this?

In January 2020, I reached my wildest dreams… the Sundance Film Festival programmed a film I produced and photographed. Then, the COVID pandemic broke out. After 15 years in the film business, I decided it was time for a change. I used the pandemic as an opportunity to pivot and start down a new path as a Designer/Builder. Those years as a cinematographer creating ‘movie magic’ greatly influenced my approach to building. My design philosophy is to tell stories through revitalizing and repurposing whenever possible. This mindset became the inspiration behind Wonder Airlines.

While you wait,
come visit one
of my other
unique creations
in the desert!

Homestead Hideaway

The Barking Owl

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